In this demo, Ryan Bowse from School BI demonstrates how to integrate Google Sheets with School BI and then connect it to Looker Studio to create a dashboard using enrollment data. He covers the process of data ingestion, configuration, and visualization, emphasizing the ease of connecting various data sources and transforming them into insightful reports.
Hey, Amazon team. This is Ryan Bowse, founder of school BI. I’m gonna show you a two to three minute demo of school BI. The first thing I’m gonna tell you is that the plan is is I’m going to actually create a looker studio dashboard using some fake, enrollment data that I have from a school. So there’s a couple components I’m gonna highlight. First and foremost, I’m gonna show you how you connect a Google sheet, which is my data source in this particular case, with school BI, and then I’m going to show you how you connect school BI to a looker studio to build a graph or a dashboard.
So first and foremost, I did this before we get on, but ultimately, I have to share the school sheet with school BI’s unique email address. I already did that. Just wanted you to see that. And I can now click copy just so I know that I’m gonna need this link to tell SchoolBI where this data sits.
This happens to be enrollment data. And, it happens to be an area that a lot of schools like to know. Where do my families live so to speak? The first thing I wanted to show you is that we also can connect directly to source systems.
I’m showing you the Google sheet just because it’s one of the most common, one of the most easy to demo because I know the fields that are gonna be in there.
So we have BlackBOD as a data source, Veracross as a data source, and we’re building out a bunch of new connections to commonly used SIS systems or admission systems enrollment systems, you name it. That’s where we’re spending some time right now. So I’m gonna connect to custom files, and that was where I got that customized email address for this particular school. It’s one logged in as Richmond Academy of Big School. And I take that URL from that Google sheet and I hit upload. Now I’m not gonna walk through the whole process here because it does take about three minutes for the file to fully be ingested. I’m just gonna show you up until the point where I say ingest.
So it says, oh, it’s got one Google sheet.
I’ve got some columns and some fields and data. And what do you want me to do with them? I can actually make a particular data type. I can make it a unique ID and so forth.
So I’m not gonna worry about that too much because for demo purposes, I’ve already did all this I wanted you to see how I did it. We also can configure the interval. We have none, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and custom. The thing we do here is we oftentimes wanna help schools figure out how often they should be pulling data from the system.
We can do, you know, milliseconds, but we don’t think that’s always the best case for a lot of data warehousing.
It’s you need to be more thoughtful of that. So that’s why we don’t have it. Right now, custom, I think, lets you do it every day, but you can envision we would be able to support, you know, every five seconds, every five minutes, every ten minutes, every twenty But, we wanna have that discussion with the school before they actually do that. I’m not gonna hit done because I already ingested this file already.
When you, after you ingest it, it comes in under recently uploaded. You’ll see I already did this AWS demo household data. That’s that file.
And it’s already in our system. Now what you’ll see is is that we show the first hundred rows within our product itself because we want folks to know that the data is coming from the source engine into the warehouse and it’s here before it gets transformed. Okay? Alright. Next up, we’re gonna show you how to connect a looker studio, instance to school BI.
So I actually have the predefined private key that I need to do this, which I happen to know where it was in, school BI before I got on the call just so I would save some time. And if you’ve ever used Lookrstudio, you know that the first thing it wants to do is it wants to connect to a data source. So you start typing school BI, It’ll ask you for that private key. I’m just gonna move my head over here.
It’s gonna ask you for that private key, which I already had in my clipboard. I’m gonna hit next. It’s gonna ask you a few things, first being which data set do you want to connect to? So the data set I want to connect to is this AWS demo household datasheet.
I’m gonna click that. And then it’s gonna ask you a pop up saying, hey, I’m about to add data onto this sheet. Are you okay with that? I haven’t clicked the, you know, acknowledge forever, but I’m gonna just say add report.
And if you’ve used, looker before, you’ll know that it always tries. It thinks it’s smarter than the average Joe, so it always tries to put a graph on your page, right, from, from the start. You’ll notice that my source data on the right hand side is all coming from school BI, not directly from the Google Sheet. This is important.
Not necessarily from the ghoulish sheet, but because if it was pulling from a Black Baudberocross school admin, one of the other SIS providers named it, it comes into the data warehouse as extracted, then we transform it, and it’s loaded, ready to be, used in a report. Now I know this graph isn’t that exciting. I’m gonna show you one that shows you distribution of families by city. I’m gonna use a donut graph, and I happen to know the dimension I want is the city.
So I’m gonna do this, and I’m also gonna count the users, and I’m gonna count distinct.
There we go. Now this might take a second to load, but ultimately when it comes back, you’ll see I’ll have a nice pretty doughnut, and I’ll have all the distribution of the cities around San Francisco of where all my families live.
I’m not gonna go further down the looker studio dashboard, train because there’s hundreds, if not thousands, if not tens of thousands of things you can do with looker studio or Power BI to make visualization pop until it great data story. I just wanted to show you kind of how it works soup to nuts. We do have schools that are using this that have dashboards built out. They could be as simple as this to multi source data dashboards.
I don’t show school’s data, in my demo, specifically because it’s their data, and it’s usually confidential. But if you needed examples and wanted to see some more, kind of more advanced feature sets, I’m happy to show you. Alright. Thanks for the time and look forward to talking to you.
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