In part two of the series, learn how to connect SchoolBI to Looker Studio. The process involves generating and copying a key from SchoolBI, using it in Looker Studio to add SchoolBI as a data source, and then customizing the dashboard with various data visualization options.
It’s Kya again, and I am here to do part two of the series. So we’re gonna connect SchoolBI to Lookers studio. So again, you wanna have two tabs open your school BI homepage and then looker studio. So on school BI, we’ll start under the homepage, manage plan, and then over to school details. And here, you’re gonna wanna grab your secret key. So If this is yellow, you can generate a new key. But if you already have one, just feel free to copy it to your clipboard, and you’re gonna go over to looker studio.
Open up a blank report.
And the first thing Lickerstudio will pull up is Hey, you have no data source connected. What do you wanna get? So in the search bar, I’m gonna type in school BI and under connector partners. Click that.
And then you’re just gonna paste the key that you just copied.
Click next.
And then it’s gonna ask you which data you wanna pull from school BI into this specific report. And so mine is labeled school BI demo data.
No need to click this, and you’re just gonna click add. It’ll prompt you one more time, and you’re just gonna click add again.
And then here you go. So it’s gonna pull up a chart. It’s typically not the chart that you’re gonna wanna use anyways. So from here, it’s all customization.
So, typically, I will delete this right off the bat, and then with my little head out of the way. You can change the name of your data source. So in this case, we can do household demo, data, something like that, and click done.
And then it’s kind of plug and play from here on what kind of dashboard you wanna create.
So we can pull over the user ID.
And then let’s do user ID and county.
And then we can go up to chart. Maybe we wanna make it a doughnut chart.
So, yeah, here I just hold in county to the dimension, and then the user ID, which is the unique ID in this case, to the metric. And created a small, doughnut chart here of the different counties that are attending this school.
So from here, it’s kind of whatever you want to deal with your dashboard. And but that is the gist of how to connect SchoolBI to Looker Studio.
Thank you.
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