Connecting a Google Sheet to SchoolBI

In a two part series, this video guide explains how to connect Google Sheets to School BI and then to Looker Studio. The process involves configuring a custom file in School BI, sharing the Google Sheet via a provided email, uploading the data, and verifying the data before finalizing the connection.

Hey. My name is Kai Hartwell. I am a customer success rep at SchoolDI, and I’m here to walk you through how to connect Google sheets to school BI and then school BI to looker studio. So this will be two videos, and we’ll start with connecting the data source. So you’re gonna come into school BI and go over to the left hand side under configure custom files, and then you wanna to copy this email address. I recommend having two tabs open, so your school BI account, and then also whatever Google Sheet that you want to pull into the system. So here we have some demo data, and we’re gonna go up to the right hand side to the share button.

And you’re just gonna copy and paste the email address that we just had. No need to notify people anything like that.

And it’s gonna say that it’s out of the network share anyways. It’s all good. And then again, while we’re in this page, we’re gonna go up to share, and we’re gonna go down here to copy the link. So once you have that link copied, go back over to school BI, and you’re just gonna paste it right here.

And click upload. So it might take a little bit depending on how big your data file is, and then it’s gonna prompt you with a few different things. This data only has one sheet, so no need to make any changes there. And then here, it’s preference depending on what data you have, you can go in and switch metrics, dimensions, there’s text, date number, that sort of thing. I know, for instance, that this data set, the unique ID is the user ID, I’m gonna highlight that here and then move on.

And then it’s just the interval at which you wanna refresh your data. So here will stick with daily and then click done. And it’s gonna take a few minutes. It’ll let you know you click okay, but it does highlight the fact that once it is uploaded, it will be under this tab.

So you can see where it’s uploading right now and then where it would be in the future. And so to make you not sit through me watching this upload. We have a few others already uploaded, and so what we recommend is you would go down here and kind of click on the sheet and just make sure that everything looks good in your data set. This might also take a second.


So, you just wanna check the headers, make sure everything looks good, and then you’re good to go. So that is how you connect a Google sheet to school BI and part two will be how to connect school BI to looker studio. Alright. Thank you.
