AWS Accelerator – Team Overview

Ryan Bowse, founder of SchoolBI, introduces his small but dynamic team, focused on creating an advanced data analytics platform tailored for schools. The team is committed to educational technology through their successful past in the industry, and their current use of AWS infrastructure through the AWS Accelerator program for further growth and collaboration.

Hi, AWS team. This is Ryan Bowse. I’m the founder of SchoolBI.

At SchoolBI, we are focused on making a beautifully easy data analytic platform that is designed to enable schools to be truly data informed and to make data dis driven decisions.

We are a small scrappy company, with a distributed team, It’s myself and a few other advisors as well as some contractors that we have on the development side.

The founding team is made up of several people from the educational technology space that have successfully started, run, and had great exits, in the space, and are continued to be passionate about solving problems for schools. I, myself, are in that group, I couldn’t dream of a better industry to be in. I had two amazing experiences with educational organizations that transform my life that ultimately put me on a trajectory that, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for those k twelve, experiences that I had. So I’m committed to this space. It’s exciting. We’re using some advanced technology to create a platform that allows schools to truly use a purpose built data warehouse.

So that they can build the business intelligence dashboards that they need and get the insights.

And there is a ton of room and space, in this kind of, industry to, to go and we’re just starting. And we are excited because we are using the AWS platform already, with our customers and our product, and we’re deeply entrenched with using it as a infrastructure for our, strategy. And, I would love to be part of the accelerator program.

I happen to live here in, the San Francisco Bay Area. And, working with a team of AWS experts and Amazon service experts would be tremendously helpful in this journey. So I would love to be part of the accelerator program.

The team, would be me and maybe one other adviser who’s part time. He has a full time job, but, it could be just me to start, and that’s full transparency. We were looking for a technology, like a CTO or a chief product officer to come in.

But ultimately, we’re real scrappy right now. And, but we do have paying customers, and the platform is working really well and we’re excited about it. So I look forward to meeting with you. Talking with you, learning more about the program and how maybe we could partner and I could be part of Alright. Thank you so much. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you.
